Friday, May 15, 2009

Angels & Demons


This is a must watch!!! This time round i am not disappointed compared to Da Vinci Code. The movie revolves around alot on churches, popes, science etc. For people like me who does not really understand these terms when i read the book 2 years ago, watching the show does makes me understand the story clearer. It's more exciting then when u read the book. However, for those who had yet to read the book, i feel that you will have some difficulties in understanding the movie. Nontheless, its one show in a million that's worth the price. I paid $8 and watched at GV Max. Don't know why but both Ivan and i felt we had "tan dio" =D

So other than movies what had i been up to?? Well... as usual busy @ work!!! Conducted my first class for FEELINGS TO CUSTOMER SERVICE EXCELLENCE yesterday. So fun and contented because my little dream had come true. Teaching was one of the profession i had ever considered for a career. I am glad i could have a chance to conduct a class. It's very different as compared to giving one to one tuition.

Of course i had been shopping non stop!!! Now i have a new interest, ONLINE SHOPPING! Had been surfing the net and bookmarking websites where i can get great deals and great stuffs. Bought just too much stuffs this month. It's time i put a STOP to it!!! =D

Well Well after all the fun, tml it's back to work! My A... F..... M shift will start tml!!! Trust me ... it's very tiring!! Especially for someone like me who needs tonnes and tonnes of SLEEP!

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