ri simply enjoy my weekend like that. spending time wif my dear family members. i am able to throw all my troubles aside n juz enjoy my day. simple n yet warm. feels good to not book in on sunday too.
i think its just human nature. i miss my past few days of 8am to 5pm life. no need to stay in. can go home. but now its over n training is back in camp again. having lots of problems recently. now though being able to look on the brighter side, however, i am troubled n worried wif my knee. will it cure? haiz... when will my life in NS be easier? hopefully my the other 19 months will pass fast. there are many things i want to do n achieve. but all my plans are to be delayed. no choice. tml nite gonna book in. the highlight for the week is range, live firing. saturday might not be able to book out. must wait till sunday morning n book in again on sunday night...... shall not elaborate more!
today past by very quickly but i enjoyed every second of it. i realised how important kinship is. n one must really cherish all our love ones. :)