DILEMMA.. realli in a dilemma...... dunno. juz hate it sometimes. y r things always liddat 4 me? anything doing wif relationships. i dun mean juz love but family bonds etc. failure is the word that i'll use. realli,
life without love is like tree without blossoms n fruits. seems meaningless at times. ppl i love will eventually leave me. dunno wat 2 do... dilemma.
maybe its jux part n parcel of life. maybe its part of growing up n seeing things happen around you. these incidents r meant 2 b lessons? i hope... realli hope! Behind a smile there's always a story behind. a story of happiness or a story of lessons learnt. will all these bring out a smile at the end of the story? i dunno!!!
its funni realli.... r things jux meant 2 b liddat? how come its oni when we had met probx n needs help, den we will b there 4 each other? is it juz meant 2 b liddat? is that the furthest we can venture? its after all a question mark. let nature take its course bah. maybe its jux u n maybe there's someone better out there 4 me.
how come a happy family gt a destructor like u? u jux suxz 2 the core. i'll b fine! i'll leave without u! n it'll jux b better 4 everyone. realli..
no kidding!
recent entries will c me writing more about the things i did 4 the day. time 4 an entry that relects my thoughts n opinion on several things that had happened till this day in my life. i pray 4 the best. juz a simple life will do.
i miss YOU! esp all the gd times we had together. i'll keep these beautiful memories 4ever. nitex n bless!
*the "you" refers 2 several ppl..