Thursday, February 05, 2009

Never ending work

Work recently is never ending. One thing after another. Events after events. Though i had been with the company for coming 5 months but there are still things that is my first time doing. It's good to be busy because time flies. haha.

after 5 months i still find that managing people is the toughest task ever. but i do learn not to take things to heart. but just to do my job. some people are just plain jealous that i am younger but higher rank than them. so they will try to say nasty stuff and resort to uncivilised ways to trigger me. however, i cannot be bothered. their ultimate goal is to make me pissed off. so y should i fall into their trap. haha. "childish" is the word to describe them.

i am still in the learning phase. i am trying my best everyday. and i shall not be defeated by difficulties!

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