Does not exists in this world. No matter how much you yearn for. You work for. There will always be flaws found. Some may not agree with my statements above. As for me, in my 23 years of life, perfect has never occurred to me.
Struggle is the word i use to describe this morning. I think I worked too hard yesterday. After 9 hours of undisturbed sleep still i could not open my eyes this morning. Driving lessons as usual. Planned to sleep but as promised made I went to help Jun buy her facial wash at Paragon. Met my sorely missed colleagues. Felt so much at home. So happy to see all of them once again. Chatted with them for quite some time. Visited my ex dept. Saw the in the process of renovating storeroom. Its HUMONGOUS! I was pretty much enjoying myself and even felt like I am still working there. I woke up from my dream after i left.
Back to reality. I do enjoy my work at my current department. And i like what i am doing. It is the family environment that i miss. This family culture do exists currently but not strong enough. It is a collaborative effort. Only that things can work out.
Perfect??? I yearn for it. Be it in my career, home, self expectations. Till now i had never felt that. But i learn to accept and be satisfied with what I have. Be glad with what i have now. Sometimes when we expect too much it will result in disappointment. Thus, be satisfied with whatever i have now. At least to say i am still a lucky chap. =)