I did not want to bring it up but as advised by several people I spoke to, I eventually brought it up to my boss and he did not do much about it. I am underpaid. It is a fact. Why deny? If I do not like working here, why should I bring it up? I might as well find a better job discreetly and leave. And trust you to be my boss when you did not fight for me when HR says that I am someone with no experience. And sorry that i got to whack you with my words which left you speechless because I totally cannot accept it.
What sparked me off was when HR commented that I should be considered as a fresh grad with no experience. How will you feel? After all these time and effort, your HR Manager tells you that your salary is only justifiable as a fresh grad with no experience. Demoralising and discouraging.
So can I say that I want to go back to merchandising dept since I have more experience in that area and not in advertising & promotions? Can i say that the company will pay me at a Junior Executive level and not a fresh grad? To summarise this, it is all an EXCUSE for the company to pay me lesser. F*** off! And trust you to say you will value your degree grads? You might as well say you value all your old and useless staff more.
You guys chose me for this new post. Then you pay me well for my to stay on to continue contributing. Don't humiliate me with peanuts pay and say that I have no experience.
I made up my mind after all these craps. Time & tide wait for no man. I shall say goodbye the moment I find a much better paying job. I shall not wait to stay and live with such humiliation.
~Treat others as how you would like to be treated~