Thursday, April 26, 2012

In need of happy pills

Writing this post using the new template of Blogger, not really used to it yet.

Haven't been so good recently. Career and relationships are stumbling on me.

I am starting to get real frustrated with work at times. Advertisements, website & overseas project. Just how and when will all these shit end? I am not given a firm direction on what I should and must do. F**k up pay package. Sickening and horrible colleagues (not all). SIGH! I need a NEW job! But it is just so tough to find a job these days.

Well, relationships have never been smooth sailing for the past 10 years. Don't even want to further talk about it. Career is still my first priority.

Still, I shall not give up. I'll work and try harder then. I need to be happy and I need...

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