Saturday, December 30, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
enjoying my BLOCK LEAVE!!!
good weather n i feel like going to sleep again... terrible me!!! a new year is starting n what do i plan to do in the coming new year???? save more money, get ippt at least a silver .. currently i am only able to come up wif these. time really flies n soon i'll turn 21. adult liaoz... there r many things that i wan to do but i'm constraint due to NS. however, things aren't that bad after being posted to 5SIR. vocation changed from rifleman to scout/recee, met nice PC n platoon mates n the training programme looks fun n yet tough. challenging though! i should make the best out of what i can 4 the rest of my 1 year 9 months with 5SIR. looking forward to either the bike or jeep course too!! :P n of coz my chiang mai trip wif family during chinese new year. lots of travelling this year!!! will be going brunei n taiwan 4 training too.
hmmx.... my wish for this new year... hope time flies faster n let my NS life be over soon... i wan to complete my studies n start on my career!!!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
i'm just plain unlucky
Firstly, it clashes wif my 16km route march, den my PC wun let me go. lucky 4 sergeant ameer, he helped me got another day for the selection. on the day of the selection, i went there but was told tat it was over. lucky i saw LT Mahran, he helped me get the PTI n i was selected. super high!!!
den came IRT, tot tat i might get into IRT. but when the posting came out, it was neither one of the ones mentioned above. it came out to be rifleman. was really on the verge of tears. disappointed. i'm still very upset wif the posting. hopefully i can get an appeal. but i am feeling hopeless and helpless. platoon sergeant did comfort me abit. however, the thought of field camp, route march and "chiong sua" just freak me out. in BMT i already have lots of problems wif it. really very depressed everyday. now i have to repeat those stuff n do more.
just simple afraid to report on monday. but i dun have a choice.
Friday, December 15, 2006
bangkok free n easy trip
we simply walked from hotel to place, n shop till we r tired, eat, shop again n eat again. shop till we were too tired to walk. how i wish life is like tat always. no need to worry so much, just shop, eat, sleep......
sianz sia... i am just a few hours away from knowing my posting. nervous, anticipating n yet intimidated to know where i'll be posted to. hopefully.... like wat my msn nick says... HOPEFULLY SAF LIFEGUARD... dunno wat it'll be like if i check tml n i kena Infantry Rackey Team?? haix... we shall c later!! :)
i'm still waiting 4 my bro to come home. he is still at the airport... ah.. budget airline. dunno wat his philippines trip is like???? hmmx....
Monday, December 11, 2006
2ml is my bangkok trip!!!
Friday, December 08, 2006
POP lo!!!
the beginning was tough. especially all the homesick n the unwillingness to do my best. unable to adapt when i thought am able to. training was not as easy as i tot. all the PT n drills. however, there were fun times too. platoon bonding, section bonding, kena tekan together, going through field camp together, going through all thick n thin together, really brought back lots of precious memories. i really treasure the great time spent together on pulau tekong.
standing on the parade square yesterday i really want to thank my buddy for his care n concern during the days when i was sick, khang wei for his words of encouragement during the first 2 weeks of confinement period, section 1 for their cooperation wif me when days i was section IC, jian hong n ken kiat for all the jokes n nonsense we made up coz it really brightens my day, and commanders of platoon 4 for their consistent guidance n care. when the jockey cap was tossed, i was glad that BMT is over. hugs from all my good frenx in BMT, photos were taken, last time singing, marching, falling in together as a platoon are the things i will remember 4 life.
next fri is our posting day. i hope that platoon 4 will get the posting of their choice. i wish them all the best n keep in contact! :P
Monday, December 04, 2006
3 more days to GP
24km route march was finally over, passed my IPPT but fail SOC. n hopefully SAF lifeguard takes me in. tml got Infantry Rackey Team interview. of so many ppl y i so suay??? damn shiong sia rackey. hopefully i dun get in.
looking forward to my free n easy trip to bangkok. hopefully khang remembers to help us book...... yeahz!!! BLOCK LEAVE is coming soon!!!!! 3more days!!!! :D
Sunday, November 26, 2006
1 more week to GP
Sunday, November 12, 2006
well... time left in BMT is getting shorter n shorter as days pass. i'm left with 3 weeks more before my Graduation Parade. ok ...lets talk about BAC. muddy, dirty, smelly, leopard crawling and BCCT. hiak haik!!!! its quite fun except the muds. its really irritating. n we must wear camo on. so troublesome. lucky was able to clear this BAC despite the many BCCT lessons i missed. phew!
IPPT Dagnostic. hmmz... gotta work on my pull up. i can go 6 but the day before the test got training. shag out. only did 4 tat day. hopefully the final test this coming thurs i can do 8. den i can get a silver n early book out!
standing broad jump no improvement. still 225cm. but its still just nice for a silver. well.. as for the rest got improvement. shuttle run was 9.7 sec, sit up was the best.. 57!!! 2.4km run if i'm not wrong is below 11mins. coz we have not gotten the timing yet. well... gotta do the very best this thurs!! IPPT silver n early book out!!
SIT Test. finally my last outfield in BMT is over. never bathe for 3 days. stinky!!!! imagine going back from SIT test today to comapny line, change n den book out. only had time to change into a clean smart 4. was wearing my smelly pants booking out. din even have time to bathe. pathetic. today is also one of my latest book out. 7pm. hate it. but it is still better den nothing. "a nite at home makes a difference!" says khang wei n i agree. IT DOES!!!! sianx tml book in at 1940hr. haiz... tahan for 3 more weeks!!!!!!
recently there was a rat attck in my locker. it ate up my biscuits n maggie mee!!!! arghh!! now i always have fear in opening my cupboard!!! HELP!!!
sianz... its sunday now.... 0015hr... booking in in 19 hrs time. sick!!!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
horrible field camp
1) y did a gal throw butter out of the window?? bcoz she wants to c butterfly.
2) which mrt station got ten men?? answer: tampines
3) guess a drink: snow white n the 7 dwarfs. answer: 7UP
4) 2 chinese man get knocked down by a car. answer: double yellow line
5) guess a drink: many indians swimming together. answer: grass jelly
6) why is a sotonh lame? answer: coz it got no legs
and more ... more..... lame sia
Saturday, October 28, 2006
super low morale
really felling super low now. y am i falling sick continuously recently? sianz. haiz....
GET WELL SOON!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 23, 2006
still sick... haiz
went vivo city today!!! saw cheong wif a gal.. hmmmmzzzzzz.......... haha!! vivo city is superrrrr BIG!!! headache... dunno where to walk. wat to buy. too many choices of retail shops selling all sorts of things. my god... its just another shopping paradise!!! of yah!!! today is sunday n i'm sitting at home now blogging. usually by this time i'll be in sweet dreamz back in pulau tekong. haha. feel sooooo good!! simply great!! really appreciate my long weekend. shiok sia!!!! :D
today is very hazy. poor air quality!!! when will the haze go away????????????????????????? 2ml meeting up wif polymates to celebrate ah lin's bdae!! haha.... going for either dinner or supper at bedok. but i cannot eat alot of things. too bad lah...... at least i had my cold crab today!!!!! i'm contented...... yum!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
long weekend!!!! hooray!!
all thanks to the deepavali n hari raya holidays!!! if not u tink the army so gd give u so many days of holidays??? haha... :P
this week in camp was fun coz got SOC n IMT!!!! lotsa shooting at IMT n lotsa laughter during SOC!!!! so damn funny!!! haha... will treasure those "golden" moments. haha. erm... i'm being kind of bad here laughing at people... ok.. shall not elaborate so much bout those "golden" moments here... must be nice... :)
i'm now waiting for my buddy to call me!!!! R WE GOING KTV????????????
Sunday, October 15, 2006
booking in 2ml
well...on the road to recovery sure feels great!! however, my nose is still as stuffy as ever. hate it!!!! gonna get cough medicine again from doc tml morning coz i had finished it up. haha.... must have spare... just in case my cough worsen. arghhh!!!! hate those haze!!!! really suckz! really bad... PSI is 115 now!!!! unhealthy!!!....... when did i become so environmentally friendly??? haha...
ok.... a new week is beginning n we will be booking out on fri for this coming book out!! n its gonna be a long weekend!! extending from fri till tues!!!! wow.. woo hoo!!!! n after tat its field camp... sounds fun... i hope so!! watever!!! ..... :p
oh ya.. today is bird's bday!!!!! HAPPY BDAY!!!! wishing him all the best n may all his wishes come true!!!
Friday, October 13, 2006
i'm very sick
then fever hit me. was just slight fever. cough n sore n throat became worst. no choice. reported sick on wed. was given Att C for 2 days. supposed to report back tonite. but i'm still not feeling any better. still having fever in the morning. fuck. coughed like nobody business last nite. did not sleep well.
went toa payoh polyclinic this morning. fucked up. tat stupid doc refused to give me MC for tml n sat. irritated. if i am fine i wun have to come n c him. like i dunno the consequences of insufficient attendance. i need ample rest. SOC starts next week. field camp coming soon. many things r starting to get hectic. i need to recover fully to battle the rest of my 2 months in BMT!!!
no choice, mum called hawk coy to ask if i can see me family doc which is a private clinic. permission granted. went to c doc. doc advise was to rest at home. fever did not subside coz of bronchial infection. too heaty. had breathing difficulties too. n i finally know y i did not recover since the first visit to doc last sat. i was not given antibiotics. my god.... no wonder my cough got worst.
now my nose is still blocked. had to take in deep breath now n den to feel better. coughing like nobody business. fever subsided but came again. sucks. hate feeling sick.
hope to get well soon. i had missed too many things ready. i cannot afford to fall sick any more. n i dun wanna fall sick again!!!! :(
Sunday, October 08, 2006
end of PTP phase... start of BMT
hurt my back during training, den was down wif fever, cough n sore throat. went to visit MO. but it was useless for my back. sianz... kene excuse from RMJ n heavy load for 3 days. so i became "sang kang" warrior for about 4 days. ppl do PT, i sweep floor. hate those feelings. feel so useless. haiz....
book out le n went to c doc today. got better medicine. hoping tat i will recover fast. booking in tml at 1925 tml. n tat marks the start of BMT phase. very fast sia..... 1 month over le... yeahz.. soon i'll POP!!!!! yeahz......
glad tat i meet many nice ppl in army. haha. especially my buddy!!!! haha... hope tat the rest of the BMT will be fun n memorable despite those tough training.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
1st book out after confinement week
one thing that i hope for is not to let me have the chance to be a platoon ic. coz... i dunno the commands. i'll get all tensed up when it comes to more "chim" commands. haha. yup. i wan to do my guard duty too. haha.
was damn glad tat i can get back my running pace n speed for distance running. hope that i will pass my 2.4km this coming week. yeahz... jia you. as for chin up.. well... more training!! actually booking out once a week makes things n time flies faster. soon.... one week passed.
well... 2ml gonna book in at 1910hr. sianz.... haha.. wat to do.. u still got to book in. haha!! damn sleepy now. gotta go hang my clothes now. going to bed soon. ~yawnz~ ;)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
NSF- PTP, 2 weeks confinement
missing home, my bro, uncle n aunt. missing my room. missing grandma's cooking. missing the freedom. first week was still fine. but it soon starts to get taxing over the first weekend. the daily routine was quite hectic. so many things to remember. so many things to do. pace is very fast. sometimes feeling like prisoner and not a soldier. afraid of doing wrong things too. been so careful in everything i do.
calling home was the most difficult thing to do. tears will start to flow. but dun wan to show it. dun wan them to worry for me. but i'm worried bout them more. every start of the day was tormenting. Y MUST I SERVE THE ARMY??? is the question i'll ask myself in the morning. but spirits n morale soar high at night. coz one day is over. one more day nearer to book out day.
training was no doubt tough. but i know its all for our own good. just unwilling to do my best. all coz i'm not in the mood and most importantly is being homesick. insufficient of sleep n rest also made everything worst. but i know this is the adjustment phase. adjusting to military life.
when mental stress + physical stress = sick
yupz. i fell sick on the 2nd week. had slight fever twice n a bad lao sai. though was excused for two days. but the morale was not there. coz i know i missed many things. i need to catch up. i missed a route march. sergeant tan said he dun tink i need to do it again. but tat sergeant teo says i need to. sianz. watever it is... i chose to listen to sergeant tan to comfort myself.
now i'm finally at home. morale kind of low. coz tml is book in day. bought all my stuff n got most of my things ready. haiz.... still wat to do? i must adjust to the military life. 11 more weeks to POP. counting down now. :P
life this coming book in will be harsher. coz confinement week is over. lets just hope tat platoon sergeant will be in good mood always. n hope everyone cooperates.
everyday is a new day. n it will be better ba.
~ i dun wan to lead an army life... i just want to lead a simple life... but i noe i dun have a choice. wat to do?? bear with it n it will be over soon!!! ~
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Enlisting soon
celebrated uncle's bday in advanced today. had a great dinner. gonna miss all my loved ones liaoz......
be baq 3 weeks later. gonna miss my lovely blog........ time to say goodbye n i'll be baq!!!! :P
Friday, September 08, 2006
ktv was fun
as usual went dinner wif aunt, uncle n bro. met minyi after tat. on the way there geetha called. had a good chat with her. good to hear that she is doing fine. so nice of her to give me a call before my enlistment. really appreciate her thoughts.
ktv was fun. though did not sing well. was not in good condition but still i enjoyed it. n guess wat?? minyi drove me home!!!!!! haha... so envious! i still haven pass my btt. paiseh.... :(
haha... ya i can continue that after my NS. n i must pass!!!! :P
well... its 2.20am... i have less than 48 hrs to enlistment.......
starting to miss working. starting to miss blowing my whistle. haiz. y mux all guys in singapore go thru NS? waste of time sia. 2 years i can become a swimming instructor with steady income. 2 years i can complete my degree. 2 years makes alot of differences. though the 3 months of BMT sounds fun. (for some activities only), but the subsequent time spent in the unit is gonna be waste of time especially when u get into some nonsense unit. doing nothing sometimes. (heard from frenz) i rather spend those times trying to achieve my goals. haiz... wat to do? who call me to be born in singapore n be a singaporean.
my goals:
1) i want to be a swimming instructor
2) i want to open my own shop
3) i want a degree certificate
4) i want to learn wakeboarding
5) i want to scuba dive
6) i want to go japan n korea in summer or spring
7) i hope to find a girlfriend ( can be like jin shan shun.. haha.. lol)
8) i want to have my own house ( i want to live on my own)
and the list might just go on n on whenever i have a new goal. haiz.. got to defer some of my goals for 2 years lo. waste my time. and i really hope tat my 2 years of ns will be a fruitful one. hope to learn new things. if not its really gonna waste my time. maybe NS can help me lose more weight n give me a more tone up body.
haiz.. so boring... nothing to do.. maybe i should go watch my concert DVD or some movies since i have some still haven watch................................
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
dinner wif cousin n niece at GENKI SUSHI
today was my last day at TAC. will miss blowing the whistle, playing wif the kids especially the inflatables on weekend. n i will miss the days when i will observe the swimming instructor coaches the kids. yup.. i wanna be a swimming instructor!!!! definitely thanks to abdul who was so very understanding n flexible at work. a great superior! n the aquatics team.. ur the best. thks to jun hao who introduced me such a gd job. n hope tat adrian n wilson will do well there.
suddenly i have a sudden urge to learn wakeboarding.. but wat the hell... NS!!!
well.... countdown... 3 more days...... :P
Monday, September 04, 2006
busy week
yup starting to get my things redi liaoz..... many things to bring sia.... busy... got things to buy somemore. still got a few things i need to bring and buy.
gotta make sure tis stupid brain of mine remember all the things i need to do... aiyo......
Sunday, September 03, 2006
my last week being a civilian
and tis is my last week being a civilian!!!! next saturday.. the auspicious 9th sep 2006 @ 2pm.. i'll enlist into 2 years of national service. n yup this few days will be catching up wif frenx n relatives!!! quite busy though... but its gonna be fun!! had never thought so much of how life is gonna be in NS. juz look forward to it lo. hope tat its gonna be fun. anyway its something new that i will be going thru. well.. at least it stay me away from home... but poor brother of mine got to tolerate all those rubbish. but not to worry much coz he dun care most of the time!
been working lifeguard for the past weeks. well its fun though but sad to say i gonna leave due to NS. really enjoyed working there wif all the staff at the aquatic department. there are also many things i want to do n achieve such as getting my swimming instructor certificate and getting my car license. i also wan to wakeboard n go scuba diving. well all these got to wait. yup n my university studies too, all gonna hold back. sobx sobx.....
well.... well... time really flies is all i can say. hope tat the 2 years of NS will fly past very soon.
recently, got some people ask me.... y dun u find a gf? y????? all i can say is that when one is hurt too much n too long, one needs a longer time to heal. i'm not confident in myself and i feel tat its not time to find one now. i am enjoying my single life to the fullest. i no longer crave to have a gf like i use to be. i just need some time off. some time for myself. maybe i'm just really tired after so many past incidents. yes... i need to rest!! :)
its quite a long post la.... ya... gotta go have my breakfast n got work later on.... be back blogging again.
Monday, August 21, 2006
enjoying life
watched toyko drift yesterday. it was really good. i love japan! the cars too... haha... n the gals in the movie.. woo hoo..... can i migrate there??????
ok..been a week since i've blogged... got to go now.... got to go work redi. be baq blogging again. :P
Monday, August 14, 2006
fun inflatables
Saturday, August 12, 2006
simple and yet encouraging words. satisfaction. my day brightened up and it was a great! i love my job more! :P
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Happy 41st Birthday Singapore
feeling sooooo bloated after my very heavy dinner at lau pa sat. my god. going to explode soon.....
nothing to do while waiting for my clothes to finish spinning in the washing machine... i'm juz bored!!!!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
goodbye fellow SnK colleagues
learnt alot during my 5.5 months there. gain n lost alot of things. gain trust, friendship, respect and most important is experience. this is one very valuable thing for me. i learnt more about operating an outlet, communication with staff, and the various ways to respond in the aspect of bringing up sales. my happiest days n most missed outlet is PS SnK. i seen many of my fellow colleagues grow up n learn at this place. be it my superiors or fellow colleagues. most of them are new when they join SnK n they started it out all from there. glad to see them learning things fast under my guidance. most important is tat they did well. gonna miss all of u. ah lian, welcome in, sexy gal, ah meng, panty liner, lynn and dinosaur... u guys must continue to strive hard. also appreciate all the guidance from my most respected superiors whom i've worked wif... joanne, kevin, wadi and siti. thanks to my last team members at LP... i had a great time though its only 1 week there. also miss all IP Zone colleagues whom i've worked wif. hope to have more gatherings!!!!
i've lost alot of precious time for myself n family during my working days. now i finally have more time for myself, family and frenx. i also lost my team at PS due to the intrusion of one fat ass. i hate her. she suckx. i felt tat all my fellow PS team mates had lost their hard work n sweat and all their efforts coz of her. she look things one sided. only at the bad points. abhor her to the core.
now my focus will be my lifeguard job. i love the sun, the children and the satisfaction when the club members come up to u and say " thank you! " after their swim. feel so good after tat. its another form of experience too. abdul my manager is also very understanding.
finally i had time to go shopping. i bought my adidas jacket finally n its green. the latest one!!! i'm in love wif zara recently. just bought 3 tops from zara. bye to my $$$$.... haha... worked to hard... time to pamper myself abit. i need bottoms too. ya.. i forever need to buy clothes... its my hobby anyway. :P
time to go sleep le.. tml got lifeguard duty!!!!!!!
Friday, August 04, 2006
not feeling well. super tired.
miss my PS team so much. miss those crazy n laughing day. no longer has tat at LP. lucky i'm left wif 3 days. really tired le. need to rest.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
last day le... sad
really hate tat pig to the core. she tink she very good. disgusting. and that pig's slave who tries to be nice all the time. ur equally disgusting. cannot stand it. especially when all my fellow team mates get such treatment from her. unfair. hate u!!!! slap u!! go eat shit!!!
going to lucky plaza outlet from monday onwards. my last 2 weeks will be spent at a very high volume n busy shop. just gonna work for the sake of working there. not in the mood too. haiz. hope tat i wun encounter lots of probx there. may god bless me!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
last week wif ps team le
gonna miss this team. so sad. had lots of happy times together. tat stupid ah lian gave me new nickname today. she packed the jeans then i go take size for customer. so accidentally mess the jeans, she call me TSUNAMI EDEN. then tat stupid ah meng laugh laugh laugh. idiot. mok came relief today. like baq to the days at j8. haha. his hair really pink... my god. haha.
2 weeks more before i leave baleno kingdom. n soon i'll be botak. life is gonna enter a new chapter. well... hope tat things will get better oni. :P
so damn tired! been working like 8am till 10.30pm for 2 consecutive days le... so sleepy now!
2 more days to pay day!!!!! :(
Sunday, July 23, 2006
hate it when my colleagues r given bad remarks n comments. they r my team mates n they dun deserve such treatment. be frank. tell them their mistakes. dun say behind their back. really pisses me off. wateva. she is a pig who wants to be sexy tats all. hate her comments cannot keep to herself. irritating.
haiz.. hate the company n management more. always transfer. transfer list coming out again. so troublesome. can't oni some ppl be affected y mux all staff?? its not easy to build a team spirit n then get separated again. so sad. no mood sia. sianz.
today kiwi booked out n he came to visit me at shop. so glad to c him wif his gf. looks good though. happy 4 him. yeahz!
enuff of those nonsense. celebrate!!! 2day i'm on leave!!!!! (ya.. its past 12..) n its granny's bday!!! hooray!!! its my family day too. yeahz.... n pay day is coming very soon!!! good.. i wan my nike shoes n adidas jacket!!! :p
Saturday, July 22, 2006
beef noodles... yummy
happy. bought myself a new cap. yeahz!!!!
after tat went to meet minyi. had beef noodles n its yummy!!!!! so nice!!!! love it!!! but only the hock lam street one is nice lo. the others will turn me off. haha. n minyi cook de even nicer haha!!! also helped her serve customer today. haha. fun!!! haha.... we chatted quite alot n yup i will respect her decision. only she noe wat i mean. haha. drank tcc's mint choco frappe. yummy!!!!!! haha....
lynn sent me a you tube link. so damn funny lo. lucky i din experience that in japan's toilet. phew... here's the link... do go watch it.. haha.. lol
5 more days to pay day... i'm BROKE!!!!!!! arhghhhhhhhhxxxx!!!!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
shit my nose is bleeding liaoz.... since i walk home just now.... HELP!!
Monday, July 17, 2006
a painful decision
i'm gonna miss my colleagues. can't bear to leave too. especially when one by one is u train up n u teach them de. gonna treasure all the happy moments there. i'm left wif 2 weeks before i go. gonna treasure every minute n second spent wif them.
disappointed. it hurts alot when all u had done is not appreciated. i did not mean to resign in 2 months after confirmation. i hope u will understand. it hurts when she said " ur wish is granted" walked out n slam the door. she never care bout her staff de feelings. she never appreciate all they had done. she never understand at all. i dunno wat else to say.
its a real painful decision. its hard. i hope people understand me. i need time for myself n my family too especially when u are going NS.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
2 jobs ain't easy at all
i like working as a lifeguard at the American Club. had loads of fun wif the kids. today 2 kids even offered to help me keep the ropes. they helped me pull the ropes to shore. so nice of them adorable too. yup like wat my cousin said i should continue wif my instructor course. n i will do that after my NS.
gonna work hard n play hard too.
Monday, July 10, 2006
sheer madness
Saturday, July 08, 2006

this is the biggest KIT KAT chocolate bar i had ever seen in my life. it is displayed at PS for a week. every day when i c tis, i will go hungry n oh no... i'm craving for chocolates now!! HELP!

6th n 7th july - my first 2 days as a lifeguard
my first 2 days as a lifeguard was sooooooo fun n enjoyable. i'm mainly working in the morning shift n i will do the opening of the lifeguard counter. in the morning i got 2 get the keys from security n open all cupboards n drawers at the counter. then i got to remove the vacuum from the deep pool n place it in the baby pool for cleaning. thereafter i will clean the vacuum. the most fun was to take the pail n splash water all around the pool side. so fun!!!! i will have to wet the whole pool. every 2 hours i will also need to test the pool water to ensure that the PH n Chlorine level is at an acceptable level. like... back to chemistry in sec sch!!
supervising n ensure the safety of the members at American club is part of my job too. i will walk around, sit down at the lifeguard chair n blow whistle "BEEP BEEP" if the children are misbehaving. the american children are so cute n adorable. like to see them run around n play. abdul my supervisor is a very nice guy. the other colleagues there are all very friendly too.
the welfare n facilities provided for staff is superb!!! we have our own changing rooms n shower area. and it is very nicely furnished n airconditioned. even hairdryers are provided. laundry service to wash our uniform are provided too. there is a cafeteria for staff where loaves of bread n beverages are available. during break at the cafeteris we can watch shows on the plasma tv n enjoy the aircon. YEAH.. really great.
for the next shift i will need to bring my sunglasses coz the sun is too bright n its really straining for my eyes. really looking forward to my next shift on tuesday!!! hooray!!!!
graduation 2006 n lifeguard

me n yvonne
buddies 4eva
kiwi, yvonne n yonglin
6th july, the graduation ceremony @ SP convention hall.
Singapore Polytechnic graduation 2006
finally the day i had been waiting for is finally here. graduation day. finally i can leave this place. woohoo. will only miss the great moments in sch wif some of my frenx. finally after 3 years, u get to c n find the best of frenx. n i'm glad tat finally i found them. thank you so much for being there for me always guys. will miss u all. however i'm also disappointed wif some people. haiz.... forget it i dun wan to mention it here. dun spoil the mood. the graduation ceremony was not so bad. quite professional actually. did enjoyed myself except for the part when the guest spoke coz i literally fell asleep. haha.
n above r some picx taken.....
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
new phone!!!
haiz.. wif my terrible results NTU rejected my appeal. so sad sia. haiz.... nvrmind i'll apply again next year!!!!!! jia you bah....
ARGHH!!! 2ml is another FULL SHIFT!!!!!!! OMG!!!!
new phone!!!
haiz.. wif my terrible results NTU rejected my appeal. so sad sia. haiz.... nvrmind i'll apply again next year!!!!!! jia you bah....
ARGHH!!! 2ml is another FULL SHIFT!!!!!!! OMG!!!!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Shop Conversion
2ml is.. OFFDAY!!! n i'm gonna buy hp n go shop!!! yeahz!!!!!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
another midnite sales
woke up early this morning by a call. so irritating. it had interuppted me from my good sleep. can't sleep after tat. met jasmine before going to work to take back my cardigan from her. left it in her baq when we went MOS on wed. was really tired n sleepy the whole day. lucky the stocks n replenishment kept me busy today. if not i dunno how i'm gonna go thru work today. n i did not went to michelle's bday. really very tired redi. if i go somemore tml i will sure drop dead at work. also got some other reasons la. so i did not go after all.
was thinking bout quite alot of things on my way walking home just now. i tink the following best describe:
后来每个失眠的午夜时分 还不愿意后悔 却忍不住会问
~ i believe she felt that way too. why am i still tinking bout this once in a while????~
Friday, June 30, 2006
today i altered 4 pair of jeans at one shot. n i took more than an hour. terrible. my alteration is extremely slow. n my poor finger kena poke by the need. deep cut. OUCH!!!!! work was fine today wif amin n andy. as usual we talk all sorts of cock n laughed non stop. hahaz.
tml is one of my S&K colleague's birthday and they invited me to Music Underground. i'll like to go. but i'm just so damn tired. i sure gonna be tired tml at work again. n my nose has been itching like mad recently. signs of falling sick redi. HELP!!!!!
waiting to hang my clothes to dry . stupid washing machine!!! CAN U HURRY UP?? so damn sleepy redi! :(
Thursday, June 29, 2006
part time lifeguard
Monday, June 26, 2006
wat a coincidence!!!!
wat a coincidence!!! as i was on my way home after work just now, i saw two familiar faces. haha. they were the ones who let us join in their game at palawan beach on saturday. really a small world. haha.. maybe we may have more volleyball games in future. haha.
well, just recieved a call... tml gonna work OT. n i need to go find uncle george tml to get my BM certificate. tues gt interview!!! OMG!!!!!!!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Sentosa - Island Life, JJ Concert 2006
after tat went for JJ Lin's Concert. it was really a great concert. his live singing was really good. i feel that he is the one who can really make it big in Asia after stefanie sun. he sang n danced well. its alot different from the other concerts i had ever seen. his concert had more of his conversation wif his fans and audience. a little more warmth can be felt at the indoor stadium as he share his music wif all. simply an excellent performance.
now i'm just suuppeerrrr tired!!!! gonna go to bed after i'm done wif all the clothes which are in the washing machine now. and i'm really broke le. can tues come quickly?? i want my payday!!!!
:(... haha.. ('',)
Thursday, June 22, 2006
WAKE UP!!!!!
went 4 workshop today. quite interesting actually. many things mentioned was useful to my work. haha. met colleagues from different outlets too. quite a good practise to conduct workshops. a good chance for people from different outlets and brands to come together, sit down n have a gd chat. this type of interaction actually aids in more exhanges of good n bad experiences at work.
going 4 a lifeguard part time job interview next tues. hope tat things will turn out fine especially on the working hours coz i'm like still holding on to a full time job now.
2ml is another afternoon shift. 2ml work wif amin again. sure gonna laugh till pengz again. haha.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
saw her tat day. was happy. but no courage to even say "hi", or even to look at her. memories came baq. especially those 9 beautiful days. the first time we went out. the first time sending her home. everything was so sweet baq then. but now everything changes. maybe is i din cherish. i lack the confidence. my fault. i'm really not ready or i dun understand her at all. hope time will heal tis wound. still i will keep those precious memories.
i'm glad our path did cross each other tis life.... i wish u all the best!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
celebrated yvonne de bdae in advance
~"finally there's some justice done ....."~
Monday, June 12, 2006
if only i have a choice.. misses those "NONO" dayz!
finally i could not sustain the anger n off i blew the bomb. a person's toleration has a limit. when u get too much, dun blame me for being nasty. worst was till today she still thinks she is so innocent. acting innocent maybe. getting nothing good in return when u try to be nice. well. then i dun tink i should be nice den. i really misses those "NONO" days. it was so fun, so relax n enjoyable. everyone working hand in hand, cohesively. haiz... its really different now. those were the memories..........
finally tis week i get a rather relax n easy schedule. gotta cut my OT.... its alot!!!!! so i'm like getting 2 half days n one training workshop at warehouse. n of cuz one off day which is today.. ya... 1.08am, monday.. my offday!!!! hahaz...
really hope tat things will get better. at least i gt lian jie, amin, lynn n blah blah to brighten my days ... haha.. so after all not so bad la.( i need to comfort myself) ('',)...
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
already sales is no gd as compared to other outlets. but some ppl still isn't cooperative, unreasonable, demanding. wat really pissed me off was tat when i help u, u backstab me. thkz alot. if not 4 serene i would have either asked 4 a transfer or tender my resignation. watever u r doing now will get u no where. u r juz making things worst 4 ppl. u r not helping urself at all. really pisses me off. never seen such a person b4.
enuff of tat sickening person. enuff!!
well. today is gonna celebrate siew fong's bday in advance!!!!!! happy bday!! going 4 dinner later!haha.... n i juz cut my stupid hair. haha!! so thin now. better than the thick hair. haha. yupz .. lots of bday celebration recently. last week was joanne bday. had so much fun at KTV wif all S&K staff. esp wif kevin n gf, joanne, andy, jane n kelvin. haha. one of our part timer, jeniffer also bday yest. bought her a cheesecake on saturday! haha.. small celebration in shop.
n a BIG thank you to Andy 4 the cap n msg he gave me b4 he transfer to TM. though not work long wif him but did have great fun wif him n serene at work. but now no more. haha... me n serene miss those days!... n tat "WELCOME IN" greeting... so different. gd staff all left.... so sad.
BROKE LE!!! all THANKS TO GREAT S'PORE SALES!! ... haha.... gonna eat maggie n bread 4 weeks liaoz! haha!!! tis week lots of afternoon shift!!!! better! so i dun have to wake up so early everyday. 2ml got training at MSQ at 9am. oh my god!! ok.. tml is one of the days tis wek i mux wake up damn early!
ok... enuff of updating all the happenings recently!!!! gt ups n downs.... wat to do ...??? its life!!!! gotta go change le.. going out soon!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
"done your best"
i really dunno. i dunno if i had done my best in helping the poor uncle at the pool yesterday. if only i told the lifeguards earlier. he may not had died. is it all my fault? the lifeguards were not on alert too. does it mean tat the person who saw the victim will suffer the guilt? i tink i am. till now i'm still damn guilty. i dun wan any rewards coz i din do much. i'm disappointed too. had i done my best? many people told me this but i doubt so. so how do you define "done your best?"..........
life recently had quite alot of changes. new work environment n new colleagues. suffering the guilt from the death of a man, the amount of money i keep spending, missing all my IP work days, missing a few of my poly mates, missing my sec sch classmates(especially), miss those golden times spent together. life changes everyday. n tat is true. nowadays i dun tink i'm tat happy as i use to be. especially after the swimming pool case. i'm in a daze most of the times. stoning too.
~i dunno if i should go 4 it...... itz just special but i dun tink i'm prepared....~
Monday, May 22, 2006
baq to PS
thanks alot to j8 team. especially to kevin. coz he was the one who supported me all the way since the first day i was transferred to S&K. did learn alot from him too! hope tat his new home at causeway point will be better 4 him!!!
tml is another full shift at PS..... omg... haha... n my bed is saying ... "come on baby!!! come n lie one me .... " haha... abit ... RA.... but ... watever!!! nitex!
Monday, May 15, 2006
transfer, transfer
Sunday, May 07, 2006
election day
Friday, May 05, 2006
application to NTU was unsuccessful. just as wat i expect. nevermind. will try again next year. quite sad actually. regretful too. regret not putting my chance to good use. well, a lesson to learn from. met hardi today 2 pass her, her bdae present. n i dun wan the POA shirt. i wan the specx... u noe which one.. so nice n its GREEN!!!!!! :> had dinner wif tis woman at Delifrance. not nice one the food. only their bread can make it. the pasta also not nice. pastamania is nicer. then we shop around j8. paid my bills too. n of cuz i irritated tis mad woman to the core. so HARDI! if u buy me tat shirt i will buy tat .............. from World of Sport n gif to ur SKY!!!! haha........
i wan 2 highlight my hair. dunno how much. i also need shoes. $$$$$$$$$$ gotta work harder liaoz.... ahha! in need of going shopping! 2ml after work gotta gif my cousin, Jet tuition! tat little devil!!!!!! but i enjoy teaching children. n i missed the little toodler tat i carried the other time at shop. so cute!!!!!! carry him n he just kept on calling .. "Kor Kor! Kor kor!".... :)
ok.. i need 2 go sleep le... MORNING SHIFT again 2ml !!!!! no... later... haha!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Labour's Day, 1st May 2006
9.45 am: arrived at YCK Swimming Complex after my heavy breakfast.
10.10 am: started practicising my CPR wif "Little Anne". in hope tat i will clear my CPR test.
10.30 am: wilson, ryan & adrian arrived n we were practicising our CPR n blood circulation once again. waiting patiently n nervously 4 our test to start.
12.30 pm: the Bronze Medallion & CPR test started. nearly flunked my CPR. so scary. the tester walked to me, passed me my theory test qn n stood there 4 a moment. " YOU! CPR.... ermmz.. ok... clear!".... i heaved a sigh of relief. luckily i was able to answer the theory qns. one shot n i cleared. phew!
2.05 pm: the water based test started. land n water based rescue wif aid was fine. then the horror came. 3rd item, rescue fitness. gotta strip off from our long sleeve shirt n pants, dive into the pool swim 50 m and tow victim 50 m back to land, all within 3min 15sec. luckily, record broken. we all broke our personal best timing. adrian clocked 2min, wilsom 2min 23 sec n i clocked 2min 27sec. tat was 12 sec off my personal best. so happy!
however, instructor skipped the contact tow section. luckily. was already so tired from the rescue fitness.m imagine swim n tow another 100m!!! the other test item was fine. luckily 4 the initiative test. i was able to tow 2 person baq. luckily the tester did nt gave me a too difficult scenario. lastly was the 400m swim. 8 bloody laps n i nearly dropped dead on the floor after tat. shag out!
3.45pm : ALL OF US PASSED THE TEST!!!!!!!! n now i'm a LIFEGUARD. still waiting 4 my letter to come. i
want 2 fine a part time lifeguard job!!! yeahz!!!
tat was wat i really want to share n note down in my blog. haven been blogging 4 a few days coz after my test on monday i had to go baq to work n was really very tired. worked till 12.30am due to the conversion. then the next day worked from 8am till 8pm. so damn tiring. so did nt have time 2 blog. 2dae was my off day. slept till noon den cleared my room, watched VCD n attended a relative's funeral. just came baq not 2 long ago. gonna work 2ml too. gonna push sales again!!!!!!
~ Is life is all about working hard to get results n returns? Sometimes when u put in ur effort but you will still be blamed or will recieve bad feedback ( "u r not doing well enough!") its such a sad story sometimes. Well... in life not everything is fair! & i agree!!!!!! ~
Sunday, April 30, 2006
BM Test & work
monday is labour day n i gotta go 4 my BM & CPR test! OHHHH NO!!!!!!!!! really not enuff practise le n yet we batch 2 students gotta take the test n complete it earlier than batch 1. so stress!!!! gt 2 noe all the steps of CPR 4 adult, children n infant! n noe the blood n heart n lungs circulation! all my BIOLOGY again!!! :o
at work also gt lotsa things to do. 2ml is off day n yet gotta go baq shop 2 do conversion! coz change new season!! n same 4 monday!! after my test also gotta go baq shop! like when can i take a rest??????? really soooo tired!!!!!
but wait... after all tat goes to " no pain no gain!!!"
Sunday, April 23, 2006
another person left.............
hardi!!!! u better not buy me tat stupid green t shirt from POA i tell u! i will buy u tat "lovely" skirt in return!!!! c la... 4ever u noe... ever since sec sch till now, we will irritate each others non stop. its not the worst yet! tat suryana woman n geetha woman will create more havoc when they join in the nonsense! hardi, if u get me tat shirt i'll gif it 2 ur sky baby i tell u!!!!!! haha......
going 2 be the 4th week at S&K le... things are ok. but kinda stress when there is no sales. like 2day!!! so jialat. sure gonna get scolding! or get told off!! wat the hell!! aniwae getting pay soon. hehe!!! can't wait 4 friday to come! really broke le. so sad.
n i wan 2 go KTV!!! like so craving to go sing till my voice go coarse. will never 4get the crazy 5hrs @ kbox wif minyi the other time. sing till no voice! gotta c when free le. gonna ask some of my KTV mates 2 go sing haha!
2ml work starts at 5.35pm. tis will be the time tat i have 2 sign in 2ml. so weird sia. but... watever! :P
Saturday, April 22, 2006
enlistment letter came ....
yest n today was my off day n i went 2 swim on these 2 days. n went tanning 2. now i'm darker. more brown. haha.. so happy. so like looking tanned. hmmz... c when is my off day next week n i'll go tanning again. yeahz!!!!
2ml gotta go baq 2 work. dunno wat they will say about my extension of my work contract. even if i extend it will be another 3 months only. dunno they will approve my confirmation because of my enlistment. haiz... if they dun also no choice. wat 2 do????
ok.... hope 4 the best 2 come lo..... :)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
life is full of hellos n goodbyess
yupz... gonna say gd byee again. tis time is to either wadi or kevin. 2 many senior staff at j8 n one has to go. so sad. they were the ones whom i work wif i first got transferred to S&K. now we gonna say bye bye. so sad. first was joanne now either one of them. will noe the results 2ml. but i'm off tml n thurs. so i'll call baq shop to ask. haiz.... its like tat de la. n i'm really stress at work. gotta work hard. tired......
so many things to do. got 2 study CPR n gotta brush up on my freestyle n life saving strokes. BM test i coming up very soon. so gotta put in extra effort! n mux study the heart n lungs coz got theory qns 2 answer leh. haiyoh.............................
still no news from NTU n MINDEF. haha... hope my application will be successful. as for MINDEF, i will take watever it comes. go where n when to enlist is all ok. juz wan 2 complete my 2 years serving the country n then concentrate on watever i wan 2 do. yes... n i now wat i want now. :P
fri meeting auntie yvonne then after tat we will go meet minyi. yeahz!! miss them so much!!! haha.... actually is miss disturbing them more! haha. also miss IP Zone de colleagues. miss those crazy days at PS. haha!
ok.. tml is my off day. so i'll go sun tan n swim. n its gonna be training 4 me 2ml!!!!!! gotta work hard. n i wan my tan baq!!!!! haha! ('',) hooray!!!!
~i will fly the highest mountain, i will brave the deepest sea....................... ~
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
so sorry
today worked half day. went home 2 sleep. half way thru my sleep, may called. hmmz.. really appreciate her help. but i din recieve her e-mail. but still thks alot 4 the effort. :P
i'm so in the lost recently. so blurr. imagine the phone at shop rang n tis gundu sitting in front of the com typing this entry actually picked up the barcode scanner instead of the phone. how stupid can i get? really hilarious sia. imagine if customer or my colleagues saw wat i did. sure laugh till drop dead. lucky tat happened when no one was in shop. i tink i'm really tired. nt enuff sleep. n my back especially the area below my sholders hurts. n its oni on my left side. irritating. maybe too heaty also.
had a new gundu haircut. i tink i look stupid. watever la. easy to style can le :)
Sunday, April 16, 2006
wat a small world
lastly, happy 20th bdae 2 geetha!! hope 2 c u soon in s'pore. the 3 musketeers misses u sooo much!! :P
Thursday, April 13, 2006
so tiring
my step towards a lifeguard license is so damn bloody near. but i muz pass the CPR. which is the most difficult. gotta work hard. really glad tat my timing 4 rescue fitness improved. but still gotta work harder. jiayou bah!!! :P
Saturday, April 08, 2006
new environment but still misses the great old times
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Samuel & Kevin
sure gonna miss those crazy times at IP. will visit my colleagues when i'm free. :P
Sunday, April 02, 2006
3 consecutive off days!!!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
should i go navy??
2dae recieved a booklet from navy. very nice... its like a book wif title, " Beyond The Horizon" n the author is me. its meant 2 encourage ppl 2 join navy so tat they can write they stories in the book n it'll eventully become their life story in navy. but shld i go 4 it?? attractive salary n benefits. but 5 years bond. n i wonder if i will have time 2 study if i join them. becuz i really wan 2 get my degree fast so tat i can really put all my precious time on my career as soon as possible. i tink i will go 4 the talk 2 learn more. also hope 2 hear from NTU soon regarding my application! anyone reading tis blog noe anything bout navy??? can tag?? let me noe more! thkz!
IP Zone - from PS to Kovan

juz when i tot i will remain in PS, i heard from biscuit tat julia asked where i lived. n tats it... the possibility of bearing transferred came true. from 2day onwards, i'll be at kovan outlet! in charge for tis week is CK .. my in charge jerral will only be baq on sunday. so will only get 2 c her next week. last nite had a gathering wif almost all PS team. had steamboat. laughed non stop. n all sorts of rubbish again. will realli miss the PS team. kovan also not bad! gt nice n cheap food 2. n its nearer 2 my house. haha. juz came home from work. haha 2day i worked half morning shift. tonite gt my BM course. will be baq blogging when i'm free. haha!!
Thursday, March 23, 2006
this phrase from the song "Graduation" really meant alot 2 me n a few of my poly classmates.
yup.. tis specially applies 2 yvonne n minyi! we worked real hard for our audit 2 projects n we made it!!! we scored distinction!!! except for minyi who gt B+, but still glad for her coz she really put in lots of effort n managed to de better than many others. gd job!!! yup.. yvonne scored many As.... n though i gt oni one n the others C+ but i'm still happy!!
yup! realli happy 4 minyi. she passed everything! finally all i can say is tat my teaching method is still rite! n i'm glad tat her results proved me right! so happy n satisfied!! but most importantly is her hard work n effort! GREAT!!
really glad tat after 3 years in Poly i finally found the right frenx... really great being frenx wif bird, ah lin n kiwi! thk u guys so much! esp to yonglin for always disturbing him during examz period! haha!!!
ermmzz... i tink i sound like i'm going for award ceremony n i gt prize n thanking ppl. ok .. mad!
last nite after work went k box wif colleagues 2 bid farewell 2 biscuit n i had so much fun!!!!!... haiz.. next week new in charge Andy, Jasmine go Lot 1 redi! sianz leh.... then 2day transfer list will be out .. dunno will be transferred anot... sianz.. later still gotta go work... so tired!!! :P
Monday, March 13, 2006
really very tired!!!!
but work is very very very tiring!!! so so so shag out now... lucky off 2day .. yah is today now.. 12.27am, Monday, 13 march! ahha .. going sleep sooonn.... gd nitex!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
something amiss
really not right! my gut feeling tells me so! n I SIMPLY HATE IT! :<
nevermind.. heck lah! :P......wth!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
yupz... i started work yesterday!!! it was fun!!!! the ppl are nice n i like the working environment 2. hope tat work will go on smoothly... coz 2dae is only the first day!! there is still a long way!!!
2ml work at 1.30pm... so can sleep more!!! haha.... so tired....
Saturday, March 04, 2006
end of torture!!!
i din enjoyed my poly life. all becoz i chose the wrong path in life.. tat is to choose accountancy. itz really not i really wan to do. i find it very dry n boring. no matter how hard i try i will not score well for most of my modules. simply 2 say i'm really happy n relief 2 leave poly life. i can now slowly think about wat i wan 2 do after NS. i can plan my future now. i really dislike accountancy! n i believe i will dislike certain type of accountants too.
my 3 years in poly really taught me many things. the first thing was "never jugde a book by itz cover". those i din like on first look were those that r my gd frenx now. n those whom seem friendly n nice 2 me at first sight are those that i din wan to talk 2 now. really regretted knowing some frenz but really disappointed wif them. but itz all over now... i wish them all the best! i also learnt to be independent n to depend on myself to prevent hearing nasty comments. this is one thing tat one mux learn in life! also "nothing in life is fair!" there may be times when u work real hard but recieve very unfair feedback. most important is to know tat u had done no wrong! tolerant!!! muz really learn to be tolerant and concentrate on ur goal. completing ur task is still better off than indulge urself in quarrels!
would like to wish all my frenz from SP all the best in your future endeavours! those who are still studying muz work damn hard!!!! those who are graduating or had graduated, continue to work hard towards your goals! when free do meet up 2 "lim kopi" ahha!!!
going to start work on monday soon. heard from kiwi some interesting stuff.... looking forward to work!!!! :p
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
last paper soon!
yupz... been quite sometime since i've updated this blog of mine! as usual .. many things happen at home! but .. no point in mentioning here. hope things will be fine!
n hooray!! i've found a full time job! so i wun idle n rot around after the examz! will start work on monday, 6th mar! so looking forward coz will be working wif kiwi! this week we r classmates.. next week we r colleagues!!! haha same outlet somemore at plaza singapura and the shop name is IP Zone. its quite gd also. coz i'll earn some cash b4 i go NS n i wun spend so much $$ n then no inflow of cash. so at least there's some spending n some income now.. n some savings!! haha...
so looking forward 2 thursday at 11.10am when the lecturer says " STOP WRITING!!!" ............. then i'll end my misery in accountancy! hooray!!! well... so tired now... gotta go slp.. gd nitex 2 all!!!!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
examz again
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Photoz - Universal Studios





Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
baq from japan n gong xi fa cai!!
yupz... i came baq from japan on saturday nite! n i din wan 2 come vaq! i juz simply love japan!!! from the people, food, culture, clothes, weather to blah bah!!! mount fuji was the best!!!!!! including universal studios n disneyland. only the foreign your guide suxz!!! she's lousy!!! pui!
will post picz soon n i hope all my frenz do like the souvenirs i got them!!! c ya!!
Sunday, January 29, 2006
will be away 4 7 days!!! be baq on 4th feb!!!! take care guys n c u all soon!!!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
CNY coming soon
GONNA enjoy my holiday first!!! then study hard!! haha!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
fucked up
another thing tat i was pissed off was wif certain ppl in my class. yup there was a clash of timing 4 our management a/c retest and csb c.a. n when certain ppl came into the class n knew about it .. they were making lots of noise about it. i was trying 2 rectify the prob by telling them bout wat happened. juz trying 2 be kind, take the initiative 2 talk to michelle chong if she can change the day of the test. but.. no one was listening 2 me. humiliated.
then they complained that they have 2 test next thurs n csb test change to next tues will affect them. wat bout those who need retest for ma on fri?? as 4 me.. i need 2 have retest 4 ma, hand in audit report n uccd. aint mine worst??? imagine if they insisted 2 have the test on fri instead of next tues? plz lah .. those taking the other elective will not be so free 2. we got c.a on thurs, presentation on the same day and itfd to do plus the csb c.a next week.
wat i'm trying 2 say here is tat plz be more considerate. think of others who r weaker in their studies. dun always tink of urself tat u need ample time 2 study 4 test 2 score A n distinction. then when u get results u pass, get A, B.. n when ppl fail. u will say u r disappointed coz u expected B get A.. worst till expect dist but get A oni. FUCK OFF!
was really so damn pissed off 2dae.. when i try 2 help n spoke.. no one listen then they try 2 b funny somemore... care about themselves. irritating really irritating! n wat is the class rep doing? cancel the wrong class n created so much trouble n complication.
yah though tat frankie yee changed test 2 next tues.. but he's still an ass. bloody ass hole..
n i'm gonna say this again. ppl reading tis blog of mine n if u find tat my contents r offending.. dun hesitate 2 press the "X" on the top right hand corner of ur window screen. its my blog n i write wat i like! :( ............................PISSED!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
kind of suay recently
itz jux life. like wat i always say. life is full of ups n downs. hope tat lots of "ups" 4 me will come and "down" will all go away. been quite some time since i've updated.
got baq my audit project 1 and our group did well we got an A!!! gd job n well done guys!!! but i flunk my UCCD ... so jialat! but its gd tat i pass!
always been wondering y! y everything that i do is always wrong? y mux i be like a robot n listen 2 watever things u say? sounds more like dog especially when u refuse 2 do it n then force 2 do it! so irritating n humiliating. really hate U!!! stupid woman! i'm not gonna give a damn at all! i'll gonna DEFY when i tink i should. i will put priorities first. will not give in 2 u! please be more reasonable!
got one thing i wan 2 share! its the first time i've been 2 a doctor n pretended 2 b sick! juz because i wan 2 get MC. n i told the doctor tat i got flu n cough. he took my temperature n told me "wooo.. 37.3 degrees u got fever u noe!! bllod pressure ... abit high!" high because i was damn nervous! then he wanted 2 give me 2 days of MC but i din wan it. i asked him if i the medicine he prescribed is too ex.. he told me if i dun have enuff cash he can CANCEL some medicine away 4 me. he also asked me if i have panadol at home. so he need not give me. WAT THE HELL!!! where got doc like tat one?? cancel medicine.. give less medicine n ask patient if he has panadol at home? wat if the panadol expire one?? crazy! never go c tat doc anymore!! rubbish n expensive!! 26 bucks!! :(
well... its really interesting! going 2 c doc, pretend 2 be sick n found out all sorts of rubbish a doc can do. ahhaz!
Sunday, January 08, 2006
pixz n pixz




